Quick-start Guide — Creating Filters, Rules & More

Follow this guide to get affiliated to the Hosturly Firewall/Filter Manager

Getting Started:

  1. Log into the firewall/filter manager by following this guide.
  1. To add filters, simply navigate to the “Filters” tab and select the “New Filter” button to add new filters.
  1. To add new rules, simply navigate to the “Rules” tab and select the “New rule” button to add a new rule.
    1. Follow the video on how to create a “Block All / Port Punch” rule and a “Whitelist” rule.
  1. To be notified of any attacks via Discord or a custom webhook, you can paste webhook URLs under the “Settings” tab.
That’s it! A basic getting started guide to our firewall manager. Feel free to reach out to us with any specific questions!

Thank you for being a dedicated customer. We very much value all of your business! ❤️

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