Error: An internal error has occurred. (0x4)

Follow this guide to address “an internal error has occurred

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Follow this guide to address “an internal error has occurred.”
  1. Login to the Client Area.
  1. Click on the Services.
    1. Notion image
  1. Click on the respective VPS product to get to the management page.
    1. Notion image
  1. Click on the VNC button.
    1. Notion image
  1. Click on the Launch HTML 5 VNC Client. This will open a popup browser.
    1. Notion image
  1. The browser will appear and show a screen similar to below. Continue to follow the steps to issue a CTRL - ALT - DEL command.
    1. Notion image
  1. Once the browser has opened, press the > button to open the VNC menu.
    1. Notion image
  1. More options will appear. Now, click the A button.
    1. Notion image
  1. Once clicked, more options will appear. Click the bottom option that displays three keys. This will send a CTRL - ALT - DEL command to the VPS to allow for unlocking.
    1. Notion image
  1. Please type in the Administrator password. If you changed the password since ordering, please use that here.
    1. Notion image
  1. Click on the Windows Icon.
    1. Notion image
  1. Type in Registry Editor.
    1. Notion image
  1. Click on it when it appears in the search menu. It will now open Registry Editor.
  1. Let’s now navigate to the correct directory to resolve this issue. Insert the following directory line into the designated search bar and hit enter.
    1. Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server
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  1. Now, go to the menu bar at the top and click EDIT → NEW → DWORD (32-BIT) VALUE.
    1. Notion image
  1. A new value will be created. You must name it the following:
    1. MaxOutstandingConnections
  1. Once created, double click on the value and change the value data to 10000. Then, click OK.
    1. Notion image
  1. Now, try connecting through Remote Desktop Connection (RDP). It should now work. If you run into any problems, contact support!

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